11 November 2009

Safari auto-suggest FAIL...

I started to type in "Can you..." into the search bar on the Safari browser on PC, and got the following suggested searches:

Click to see bigger image...


Wanderer said...

Bwahahaha! I tried it out in Firefox and the results came out like yours. FAIL!

kelray said...

getting pregnant from being fingered is a real fear in these parts you know...

Daddy V said...

I got something else.. like "Can you freeze cheese"

Ainaa said...

Ohmaigawd. I really like the way you write!

I got here by googling 'fiat 500 malaysia' and I've spent the last half an hour sitting on my ass laughing :)

Can you update soon, please? :)

Chris Chong said...

Thanks for the positive feedback!

Unfortunately, I'm at a very busy period in life, which means that loads of other things have taken priority over blogging.

One fine day, I'll be back...