Pasar Malam @ OUG
Ahhh... Pasar malam. Lately, I've been visiting the one in Overseas Union Garden (OUG), KL. For various reasons, of course.
This is a place to enjoy the fresh nighttime air, buy cheap stuff, eat good food and browse through all manner of porn DVDs. But most of all, it's a great place to take photographs.
Take this char kuay teow seller, for example:
Where else can you take a picture of some dude frying stuff with such dramatic lighting? Plus, he's too busy cooking to scold/chase/punch would-be photographers poking their zoom lenses at him. Never bought any food from his stall, though. Considering the huge queue of people lining up, he's probably quite good. Will try next time. And here we have the tau fu fa / soyabean / tong shui seller. They've got this really nice glutinous sesame seed balls in with tau fu far and soya bean thingy that tastes gorgeous.
But the real reason I'm here, of course, is to eat steamboat. Fatman Steamboat, to be precise:


It's quite similar to the satay celup in Melaka, only that you boil it in hot water rather than curry. And yes, it's probably a breeding ground for hepatitis, diarrhea and other similar nasty things. But hey, if I can eat kerang/cockles and chopped liver dipped in curry off a stick, it's probably worth the risk... ^_^
yo mr chris!
hey do yah think I can get the vacation photos u took from yah?
heh, added yah on msn..
Ah, Mr Thomas...
I'll need to zip everything up and maybe put it on my public server. Wait arr...
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