26 October 2006
23 October 2006
Home RUN!!!
A day after Deepavali, we decided to celebrate the Indian festival of lights by batting the shit out of some balls at the new Baseball thingy in 1 Utama.
It's a bit hard to find - you need to go to the elevators near Parkson (1 Utama new wing) and get to the upper roof, where you'll see something like a miniature driving range.
A few packages are available - we chose the "Home run" package for RM45, which gives you an unlimited number of balls to hit for 30 minutes. And with that, we headed for the batting cages.

At first, we found it incredibly difficult to hit the balls but after a few tries, it gets easier. It's also real important that you set the height of the ball (via the control panel), otherwise you'd end up missing a whole lot of balls. Like this, actually:

The other thing we learnt that day is that baseball can be a very painful sport. The massive shock/vibrations sent up through the bat and into your arms is enough to make it hurt. Kinda like tennis elbow, only whilst not playing tennis.
But it's not like we sucked (*really!*), after some time, all of us started to get the hang of it:

Strangely enough, I found myself more comfortable batting left-handed. Probably because I'm more used to backhand motions (i.e. slapping people with the back of my right hand).
Kinda like a wife beater, actually ("Hic, where's my beer??? I take out my belt then you know!!!")

Lousy hair style or not, it didn't stop me from getting the job done:

Needless to say, it was a blast. I think I'll be spending lots of lunch hours here in the future...
Mumbled by Chris Chong at 11:58 AM 3 comments
20 October 2006
Been meaning to put this up for a week, but kept procrastinating. It's BASKETBALL AT SPORTSBARN.
For the past couple of months or so, we've been playing basketball about twice a week. A pretty nice group, this - competitive, yet sporting enough to have fun.
On this particular occasion, I couldn't make it (sis' birthday) but could catch the tail end of it. Decided to pack my camera along.

It's bloody hard to shoot inside with Charles in the middle -- one minute you're open, and then this really long arm descends from the heavens and gently whacks the ball out of your hands.

The thing about playing basketball is that - unless you've got a film crew following you around, chances are you have no idea what you look like while you're playing (i.e. whether you look cool or awkward).

I guess the best part about all this is that it's also good for your health. Exercise is good. Yes it is. Yes. Right.

I took this shot with a slow shutter speed and tracked the camera on Nigel - this allows me to keep Nigel relatively sharp while blurring out the background. And yes, this looks better on film than it does in real life. (P.S: Don't burn my house down. Please.)

After the game, we're all hot and sweaty from all that action. Erm... yeah. And thirsty too.

Right. Next picture:

Thus ends the photo essay. I'm sleepy and hungry. And you should be too.
Mumbled by Chris Chong at 5:00 PM 0 comments
Categories: Life
09 October 2006
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